
Limited-Time FREE Resource... Get the Exact Spreadsheets I Use (For My Clients) To Set Targets & Track The ONLY Metrics That Matter... In Any Business.

Here's What You'll Get...

Revenue Drivers: The exact Excel spreadsheet I use to target, track and optimize the 5 key drivers of revenue for ALL my clients...
Profit Drivers: The exact Excel spreadsheet I use to target, track and optimize the 5 key drivers of profit for ALL my clients...
Cash Flow Drivers: The exact Excel spreadsheet I use to target, track and optimize the 6 key drivers of cash flow for ALL my clients...
And... Learn precisely how these 16 key metrics impact your business's growth, financial health, and cash flow.  Formulas do all the work for you... All you have to do is drop in the numbers.

What's Inside...

Improve Revenue


Learn the 5 drivers of revenue, any one of which will grow your top line.  Imagine improving all 5... Your revenue will SKYROCKET!

Increase Profits


Growing revenue is important... But if you can't get enough of it to drop to the bottom line, you won't have a profitable business.  Focus on these 5 metrics to optimize profits.

Multiply Cash Flow


Cash flow is king.  The ONLY THING you need to have a thriving, successful business is consistent, positive cash flow.  Learn the 6 metrics critical to maximizing cash flow!

Hey, I’m Todd Henry, a CPA and business owner.  I use my financial expertise to help business owners profitably grow their companies.  I'm so successful at this precisely because I understand both sides of a business (the financial side and the ownership side).

As a CPA and former corporate finance business executive, I can examine a business and quickly spot the underlying reasons why a business is not profitable and has poor cash flow.  And, more importantly, I know how to fix it.  I know how to make businesses grow and become more profitable.

That's exactly why I'm on a mission to help business owners, like you, have a growing and profitable business that produces consistent, healthy cash flow.

I created the Drivers Worksheets to give you the tools grow your business profitably.  Click the button below and download the free resource now.

© Clear Path CFO, LLC. All Rights Reserved. 

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